FIR MUFH IVAO, with real information from the country’s Air Traffic Control documents. For use of actual phraseology, procedures, frequency, work sectors and their dependencies, LOAS regulated flight levels.
The FIR in the Control Zone is divided into two parts, an ATC that controlled half of the FIR From East to Center, controlling all ATZ AD and TMA Santiago and Camagüey and another ATC that controlled from Center to West, controlling all the ATZ AD and TMA Santa Clara and Havana.
Fraseología VFR:
- General
VFR flights shall not take-off, land, enter in the aerodrometraffic zone (ATZ), neither in the aerodrome traffic pattern, if:
- a) The ceiling is below 1500FT; or
- b) Ground visibility is below 5KM (3NM).
- When so prescribed by the appropriateATS authority;
- Controlled VFR flights inside the CTR undermeteorological conditions below to those of visual flightthat could be authorize if the conditions of the traffic allowit.
VFR flights shall not operate during the period from sunsetto sunrise unless the competent ATS authority allows it andunder the conditions prescribed by such authority.
- Flight altitudes
VFR flights in cruising flight above 3000FT AMSL will bemade at an appropriate flight level.
Phraseology for VFR on AD zone control: ALL THE INFORMATION MOST HAVE A READ BACK
First call from a VFR on land to the ATC:
ACFT: (dependencia de control) (ACFT) solicito condiciones del aeródromo.
TWR: (ACFT) (dependencia de control) pista en uso 06, viento 080 grados 10 nudos, visibilidad 8 KM, temperatura 20 grados punto de rocío 16, QNH 1015.
ACFT–(ATC dependence) (ACFT) request conditions.
TWR–(ACFT) (ATC dependence)rwy in use 06, wind 080 degrees 10 knots, visibility 8 km, temperature 20, dew point 16, QNH N1015.
Phraseology for the ACFT enter to the control zone.
When the ACFT calls before to enter the control zone:
ACFT: (dependencia de control) (ACFT) procedentes de (alguna ciudad) destino su estación estimando (punto de control) 1200 solicitando instrucciones.
TWR: (ACFT)(dependencia de control) pista en uso 06 viento 030 grados 12 nudos QNH 1013 notifique sobre (punto de control).
ACFT-(ATC dependence)(ACFT) from (CITY) destination toyour station estimate (control point) 1200 request instructions
TWR-(ACFT)(ATC dependence) RWY 06 wind 030 degrees 12 knots QNH 1013 report over (control point).
When the ACFT calls over the control point:
ACFT: (dependencia de control) (ACFT) procedentes de (CIUDAD) destino su estación sobre (PUNTO DE CONTROL)solicitando instrucciones para aterrizar.
TWR: (ACFT) (dependencia de control) entre a tramo a favor del viento (derecho) pista 06 viento 030 grados 12 nudos QNH 1013 notifique establecido
ACFT-(ATC dependence) (ACFT) from Cienfuegos destination your station over (control point) request instructions for landing.
TWR–(ACFT) (ATC dependence) Join (right) down wing leg RWY06 wind 030 degrees 12 knots QNH1013 report established
When exist landing sequence:
TWR:(ACFT) (dependencia de control) entre a tramo a favor del viento (derecho) pista 06 viento 030 grados 12 nudos QNH 1013 número 2 para aterrizar detrás de (TIPO DE MAQUINA) establecido en tramo básico derecho pista 06 notifique establecido y con tráfico a la vista.
TWR (ACFT) (ATC dependence) join (right) down wing leg RWY06 wind 030 degrees 12 KNOTS QNH 1013numbertwo to land behind (KIND OF MACHINE)establish on long final RWY06 report established and traffic in sight.
Phraseology to over flight control zone:
When the ACFT calls before the control point
ACFT: (dependencia ATC)(ACFT) procedentes de Baracoa estimando (PUNTO DE CONTROL) 1500 solicitando permiso para cruzar Zona de Control.
TWR(ACFT) (dependencia ATC) QNH 1013 notifique sobre (PUNTO DE CONTROL)
ACFT-(ATC dependence) (ACFT) from Baracoa estimate (control point) 1500 request permission for cross your control zone.
TWR-(ACFT) (ATC dependence) QNH1013 report over (control point)
When the ACFT calls over the control point:
ACFT: (dependencia ATC) (ACFT) procedentes de Baracoa sobre (PUNTO DE CONTROL) solicitando permiso para cruzar Zona de Control.
TWR: (ACFT) (dependencia ATC) aprobado sobrevuelo Zona de Control, vuele a (PUNTO DE CONTROL) QNH 1013 notifique cruzando trayectoria pista 06.
ACFT–(ATC dependence) (ACFT) from Baracoa over (control point) request permission for cross your control zone.
TWR-(ACFT) (ATC dependence) approved over flight control zone, flight direct (control point) QNH1013 report crossing heading RWY06.
Fraseología para la Información de tránsito.
TWR:(ACFT) trafico (TIPO DE MAQUINA) a su izquierda establecidos en final corto pista 06 notifique tráfico a la vista.
TWR-(ACFT) traffic (KIND OF MACHINE)at your left established on short final RWY06 report traffic in sight.